28 June 2015: Rest Day And Culture Activity
Unlike the other days at the academy, sundays are a lot different. First, the children had the option to sleep in this morning. There was a three hour flex time from 9-12 where students had the option of attending church service, going to bible study with Chung Senpai, or to hang out and study with friends in the lobby. Students went to lunch and attended language class, the students went to an RA taught culture class where they learned about Japanese food, mascot characters, or Japanese games shows! Following dinner, the students participated in a culture activity where they made Hac
himaki (鉢巻), which are Japanese head scarfs, and Uchiwa (団扇), a type of fan. Painting the fans were very fun, and everyone came up with super unique and creative ideas!!! Also, today was Camryn-san's 16th Birthday!!!! Everyone gave her birthday greetings and made sure that she had a special day!
Lauren San:)
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