Saturday, July 4, 2015

4 July 2015: 'Murica Festivities

Despite the student's intense cultural immersion, they still were able to celebrate the country's 239th birthday. The day started with a nice breakfast here at Andrew's Hall since the dining hall was closed.  Afterwards we prepared for the 4th of July Parade in downtown Ashland by dressing in patriotic happi (法被) and our Japanese Hachimaki. The parade was totemo sugokatta desu (really cool!) For lunch, hotdogs and hamburgers were provided at the festival, which felt like a home cookout! After returning, we had our regular language class. An RA taught culture class followed where students interacted more with the Japanese culture. Despite this, for dinner we enjoyed more DELICIOUS 'Murica food with burgers and fries. The day ended with watching an amazing movie that was not finished due to time. Once we get home, don't be surprised if we are watching Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki....
-Lauren San

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