Thursday, June 30, 2011

Rajio Taiso

What do you feel about the radio exercises done every morning?
Calyssa: “ I love them! I have always wanted to try them. I feel accomplished and I have enjoyed them sincerely.”
Clara: “They were really embarrassing to do in front of people waking by who knew nothing about what we were doing. It’s hard to be serious about they. They feel goofy.”
Melanie: “ They crack me up!”, she said while laughing. “I always watch Otani Sensei because he is serious about the exercises. I mean it’s a great way to start the morning. It’s not heavy and it brings people together. The music that goes along with the exercises is really funny, cheesy, classical music that makes me smile.”
Wei: A very serious student who plays amazing basketball says, “Rajio Taiso helps me wake up and be able to focus in class. I saw it in a movie once but I never knew that it was so widely popular.”

What do you feel/think about the dorm life so far? Is it tiring? Hot? Comfortable?
Calyssa: “It’s a little different and I do get homesick sometimes but I will persevere. That’s the word I love.” When asked about the comfort of the dorms, Calyssa responds, “It’s hard, unbearable, hot, very hot, flaming, combusting. I could go on and on.” Then she gets serious and says,” It’s a good experience. It feels like the real world.”
Melanie: “It’s very tiring to constantly socialize but I love the dorm life. Though I hate the public bathrooms, they suck. Now if we had Japanese toilets it would be more comfortable.”
Wei: “I have experienced the dorm life before but it’s the first time I have had a roommate. Its unique. I need more adjusting time though. “
What do you think about the language classes? Are they challenging? Note: All the answers listed below are from the students of the beginner classes.
Melanie: “ We could be watching Netflix movies, sleeping, or hanging out with friends. It’s hard to get yourself motivated but I am motivated because of my table buddies in class.” After giving a serious thought to the question she said, “Now that I am here I want to make the best of it.”
Calyssa: “I like that I am finally in a classroom. I like the experience of receiving a proper teaching given in the classroom.”
Clara: Who has had no prior experience with Japanese said, “It’s really extensive and long.”
Wei: “The classes are definitely moving at a faster pace than the regular class setting.” When asked about how she feels about the upcoming classes she said, “ I am excited.” She said this with a big grin on her face.


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