Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Monday June 26, 2016: Language

Many students at the Japanese Academy are new to the language, and are here to build a foundation in the language and culture.Today, the Beginner class learned basic conversation starters, how to tell the time, and the titles of family members. The class sang together with Japanese songs that taught both numbers and new vocabulary.

As a Latin student back at home, I found my first immersion class a little overwhelming, but everything is “genki” (good) now. (I hope I used that right…)


On day one of the Virginia Governor’s Japanese Academy, students were required to take a proficiency test to assess their level of Japanese, which consisted of a writing sample and an interview. Based on those results, students were divided into either Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced classes.
The Intermediate/Advanced class has a moderate to high level of Japanese and participate in a single class most of the time. June 27th marked the first day, and it started off with a simple introduction of Otani Sensei and Tago Sensei, the sensei in charge. After students were given their Japanese particle and verb/adjectives/noun packets,  they practiced self-introductions and wrote in their journals.

However, after everything, I must say the best part of today was the Taiko demonstration. The power emanating from the drum and the kiai the demonstrator released was absolutely stunning. If I have the chance, I won’t hesitate to try it.


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